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platinum investigator
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PostSubject: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 15, 2008 10:43 pm

read all the things that happened on our investigation.
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gold investigator
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2008 12:11 am

Evington Park House

These seemed to go on forever and ever as there are many rooms that lead off one big room. Dark shadows where seen moving in front of people and Jane had things thrown down behind her. There were two lady’s who chose to wait upstairs near the cellar door and one became quite agitated insisting we where in the wrong place and needed to be in the kitchen, she had this feeling upon entering Evington House.

Panelled Room.

Upon entering this room the same lady cried out “No not this room, the kitchen I keep telling you”. We decided to do the glass on the table so most of us sat around the table except the agitated lady her husband and myself. The room went very dark, and the glass started to move straight away, the agitated lady started to call out to us, Work, Work, and Work, Yes Sir no Sir Yes Sir no Sir. She also told us that the table was in the wrong postion.She started to laugh and we asked if it was her moving the table and glass. She got hot and flustered and she told us she was the Head servant. We heard footsteps and also the batteries drained on peoples torches. We then decided to take a break.


We moved the table away from the wall before the other lady entered, as soon as she walked in she shouted No it’s in the wrong place and she shoved the heavy wooden table around to how she said it was supposed to be. She then went on to open and close the table draws, she then appeared to be setting the table ready for dinner. She sat down at the head of the table and started to repeat Work, Work, and work, yes sir No sir whilst getting very hot and flustered. We asked who she was and she replied Len she then continued to bang the table in a orderly fashion then she started to appear to be taking snuff.

Rose Garden/Herb Garden.

On walking towards the herb gardens we could hear children playing and children’s shadows could also be seen. On entering the rose garden we could see movement down towards the bottom of the garden and on the photos we took there were orbs around the area of the movement. When walking back towards the house there was a strong smell of tobacco which was smelt by 8 of us, there was also a strong smell of mango and movement was again heard behind us. By the Mulberry Tree we could smell pipe smoke again as though the man had followed us.

Upstairs office.
When entering the room we sat around different parts and we decided to try the glass again. The same agitated lady started to sing happy days. There was a presence of a lady who visits the rooms upstairs seen by the staff called Edna and she is a friendly spirit. Dawn sat upon the floor and told us she felt like she wanted to play with children’s bricks. We felt at this point the room was used as a children’s nursery. Dawn became very mischievous and started laughing in a childish way and went very shy when spoken too just like a little girl and when given some pretend bricks she started to build a tower with them. Dawn couldn’t remember anything when asked and wanted to know why she was on the floor. Lee picked up on a spirit of a chimney sweep and also there was people picking up feelings of people with illness like diphtheria. We also could hear dogs barking.

Birch Room.
There was a couple of people who had bad headaches and chest pains, Lee had felt the need to pace the floor and got channelled by a Colonel looking for his very ill daughter called may, She suffered with a head complaint and was very ill Lee got very angry and shouted at us but he felt it wasn’t the room she died in. We went into another small room up stairs and Lee had a sense of peace and knew this was where May died.

First Room
There was a sense of sea sickness in this room and many of us felt unwell and not very comfortable in here.

Kitchen (2nd Time)
Un be knowing to any one a couple of us had move the table back the way it was, as we wanted to see if the agitated lady would be channelled again by Len. Wow what a reaction as soon as she walked into the room she shouted “No that’s not right” pushed the table around all by herself, unbelievable! She started saying the same as previous and Lee asked who else sat around the table with her and she banged her hand down around the table telling us that the cook, chimney sweep,maid,cleaner,ironing and the person who made the beds all sat round us too. Some of us had a metallic taste too.

We had a truly amazing time at Evington House considering it was the first investigation there and one we will certainly be doing again.
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gold investigator
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PostSubject: REPORT: WYGSTON HOUSE APRIL 4th 2008   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2008 4:32 pm

Evington House 12th April 2008.

First of all on behalf of AAIT and there members who joined us here thank you very much to the nice and very friendly staff who let us come back for another investigation here. Lee opened us up in the hall way and had a name given to him called Edwin.


We started out in the gardens and the first thing we experienced was battery drains on some of the cameras. One lady could sense children hiding behind bushes, and when standing in the rose bush area a couple of ladies felt cold spots and one lady came out with the name Mabel and she was saying, come into the house and she felt that it was following her. As we walked back towards the house we had a strong smell of lemons similar to sherbet lemon sweets this was smelt by a large amount of the group also we had a very strong stagnant smell which was not nice. Also pear drops could be smelt as well. Dawn had a pain in her left foot which wasn’t there before we came out. Lee picked up on a lady called Mary who was very posh and not from Leicester and she sat drinking tea with her finger sticking out which she called her pinkie it was as though she was giving etiquette lesson to others at a table, we had a cold breeze which followed us into the house.

When entering the house a couple of ladies used the toilets and had felt that, there doors were pulling open or not shutting but were told by another lady that they were ok now.

Upstairs 1st room.

In this first room we felt a presence in one corner and a couple of us were touched. A man started swaying and ran out of the room. A lady wouldn’t come into the room and stayed on the landing and was channelled by a girl called Emily and she was crying. Lee told us he could see flames and a wall of smoke and the smell of sulphur, he went to walk into the room but stopped and said he wanted to draw the curtains but there wasn’t any he then said again no I want the curtains drawn and moved quickly down the corridor into another room. I followed to find him hiding under the table going shush come here he was very agitated, when I questioned him he kept saying come here so I had to climb under the table with him, I asked him who he was and he said Mabel and that they were coming, I asked who were and she said soldiers, we had to talking quietly as she didn’t want to be found. She said it was 1940 and she didn’t like the noise of the bombs. When Lee came back he climbed out from under the table he felt very disorientated and didn’t know who the people were as though he was still looking back to people from the past. As we left the room a few people remained to do automatic writing.

Upstairs bathroom.

Some of the group did automatic writing in here and strangely some started to write at the same time. A group of five went into the bath area and we felt pains and cold breezes Kyle saw a grey mist behind the bath then he saw a man leaning over the bath pointing at him and others, this totally freaked him out so much so he couldn’t look at him towards the end, when asking his friend he could see the same man. It was as though we were being told off and we felt as though we were being pushed down into the bath. When leaving the room Lee was called to another room as the same man as before was channelled again this time to the point of laying on the floor. While we were waiting to see if he was ok we noticed Kyle had a red mark and swelling on his face which wasn’t there before we went into the bathroom he said it felt very warm, it looked like a hand had been pushed into his face. The ladies who stayed in the other room came to meet us and one lady said she had picked up a presence of a little boy who could be called Charles who had breathing problems who was in a wheelchair it was an old fashioned one so could he be disabled?

Panelled Room.

Because this was a large group we split into two groups with two tables and glasses. On one table a lady was channelled again by the same spirit as the last time we did an investigation here and as I tried to get her to talk the other table in which Lee was sitting kept moving violently, we asked the lady if it was her doing it and she said yes, She said her name was Len who we know was the head butler and she kept moving her hands around the table counting and banging the table. She also said that Mabel set the table was with us as well. As she kept coming back to us the same man as before in the other rooms became very tired and distressed as he was channelled again I felt he was not very old as when I talked to him he could only nod and got upset when I asked him if he knew who the other man was across from him, he nodded. When he came back the lady seemed to go again and kept saying he’s ok, hes ok, but she also said she was very hot and tired. Lee and myself took the man out for a break and some of the others came as well we didn’t realise that not everyone came out and was soon fetched back into the room as the glass had started to move and the lady was channelled again by Len. Lee tried automatic writing and came out with Hello, John and army. We had Emily on our table who was 16yrs and she worked for John, she said she had died in a fire, when we asked where she was standing she move the glass towards Kyle, and when we asked is she liked him she went straight to him again it was as though she knew him and when we asked if he reminded her of someone she said yes her boyfriend. We changed tables and as soon as Kyle sat at Lees table Lee noticed a changed of atmosphere it was as though Emily had followed Kyle. Dawn was channelled at the table choking and couldn’t speak, the table was still moving and lifting and the glass was still moving on the other table. Stones were being thrown at us hitting people and we also could see a shadow of a tall man moving around the room and I saw this arm wave across my face. It stood behind Lee then moved to other people touching them as it went, we also heard a door creak behind us as though someone was trying to open it but upon checking it was locked. We also heard a woman’s voice answer to us when we asked if someone had moved the table and she replied I MOVED THE TABLE. As a lady went back into the room to fetch something she felt a tap on her head.

A small group went to the back stairs whilst the others took a needed break and they picked up on Queen Victoria and the year 1876, this to us was very interesting as we have picked this information up before but at a different location. Also they started choking again and had feelings of chest problems and gasping for breath, they also picked up on Granada.

Lee had all night been saying that there were bodies in the cellar. It’s a very dark scary place in the dark cellars. We had stones thrown at a number of people and some had about 3 or 4 thrown. Lee saw a solider down there with a hat on. We also heard a bang which sounded like a glasses case being shut but no one had one down there. Also Lee saw a washer woman who slapped his face asking him what he was doing down there. Dawn had breathing down her neck and she started choking again and had to be taken out. Some one else saw a solider down there with brown leather boots and straps across his chest. Lee felt his torch being pulled and his bum was pinched. A number of people were touched in there as well and some had there hair pulled.


We moved into the kitchen area where we had a lot of activity before and we weren’t disappointed. The same lady was channelled again by Len, she became very unsteady on her feet and started swaying and making noises like she was taking snuff, she was banging her feet and saying her leg hurt so we sat her down, she became agitated and very hot so she took off her coat. Lee asked if everything was ok and if she was happy with everything. It took a few moments but she got to her feet and moved towards the table she started to bang the table then tried to look for the draws, upon finding them she was pulling them out and started to set the table. Next moment she pulled the heavy wooden table out into the middle of the room, leaning on it thinking and the next thing she’s swung the table completely around to the correct position then she sat down again. She was saying stoke the fire, do this do that, tired hot, busy busy. Lee asked who was with us and she said Mabel set the table, and banged out how many should be at the table and some of the group moved to sit in there places.

New Office.

This was the first time we had been in here so we decided to do a standing séance; Lee was channelled as Colonel John who shouted Attention whilst saluting, we asked who he was with and he said his wife and eleven children. At the same time the lady was channelled again by Len who kept shaking his head as though he was taking the mick out of Colonel John, Colonel John said Len wouldn’t take whilst he was there and then he shouted at him to fetch the horses. When Lee came back the first words he said was that he could smell horse manure how bizarre is that. And just before Lee mentioned the children someone sensed a lot of children around us. Dawns legs hurt her in this room and another lady stood there curtseying.

At the end of the night a member of staff told Lee that a Anna Edwin had married into the family was that who Lee was picking up on at the beginning of the night.

Well as you can see what a brilliant night we had, this place just keeps on getting better and we feel its only to get even more brilliant the more times we investigate. We are going to be going back there later in the year so keep your eyes peeled on the calendar page and be brave enough to join us.
Its a mad mad world out there and were in it.
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gold investigator
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PostSubject: September 13th 2008   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2008 10:42 pm

Evington House 13th September 2008.

Before we start big thanks once again to Jane and her staff.

After opening up in the hall way we went out side in the gardens to start the investigation. We made our way down into the rose garden as Lee was standing in the middle I saw a red orb flash across his body; this was also picked up by Steve with his camera. Lee felt very happy and jovial down here and he wanted to dance once around the maypole and then as a Morris dancer and upon looking at him his features had changed and he had grown a large bushy beard just like Morris dancers have. Stella had also picked up a streak of bright light on her camera. Another lady picked up on feeling like she had a big dress on with a floating skirt and she also wanted to dance and her name was Violet. Lee also got a strong taste of blood and a number of people felt as though they were drunk. A couple of people stayed at the top of the garden and had a smell of pear drops and also pipe tobacco. We made our way back towards the house when Lee was channelled by a little girl who wouldn’t tell me her name as she wasn’t allowed to talk to strangers. She had her friend with her called Fred he comes to play with her and that we had to take our shoes of if we wanted to play with her on her carpet. Fred likes to pull her dolls arm and legs off and hide them in the trees, because she makes him drink the tea. She asked us if we had any sweets and when we showed her some chocolate she turned her nose up because she only liked liquorice. She stood there with her arms behind her back tutting at something them she went sssshhhhh hide, next minute she waved and shouted “Yoo Hoo”,at the top of his voice he did this twice and when asked he said Mary was coming to pick up Fred. Some others had pains in there neck and shoulders. But this was very funny to see as Lee as he acted just like a little girl even talking like one.

Panel Room.

We set two tables up in here and tried glass divination but it was very quite. Also tried
table tipping but as I was asking out my table didn’t move but Lees table did, Steve had his watch move up the table and also the glass moved on its own, they were being touched and could see shadows. Jan could also see a hand across there table as well. On our table we had someone walking round behind me and Michelle and Dawn was slightly channelled as her voice changed and she was paralysed from the neck down and couldn’t fell anyone touching her, Michelle and myself also had numb legs and were being touched. Barney could see a small boy standing on the table in front of him and arms going in between people as though setting the table. Stella felt like crying and also she had the feeling of having a stroke.


We went into the first one and some were being touched, we had shuffling behind our little group with things being thrown. A couple of people saw shadows and shapes which appeared to be moving across the room towards us. One lady was pushed in her face and was so scared she had to leave. Next cellar didn’t feel as bad but stones and wood was thrown and different people were being touched and also a strong smell of laundry could be smelt. We moved into each small cellar with similar things in each.
Health and Safety Room.

We tried glass divination in here as well but unlike the last time it was still very quite, some of us sat in chairs and others on the floor, before long Dawn was channelled by a very prim and proper Miss Peabody who was a governess and we were being the children, she told Lee to sit up straight and as myself and Marie started laughing she told us children should be seen and not heard. She got very annoyed that we were misbehaving, she told Stella “you boy pay attention” they were learning history that day and queen Victoria was on the thrown when Marie asked which one the look was brilliant and she said there’s only one. When Lee asked about Egyptians she said what would a coal man know about that. This had us all in fits of laughter and her face was a true picture.

Upstairs Room.

Lee was channelled in this room by a young man who had come to visit his friend who had his legs blown off and that there was blood every where. The mans Name was James and he was in a lot of pain and Lee got quite upset so I asked if a nurse could help and he shouted at the top of his voice for a nurse. He said the mans legs were being burned together and that he’s was a bit more comfortable now. When Lee came back to us he said “God can you smell that its burning flesh” and at that point he started to heave as though he was going to be sick. We moved into the bathroom area again and after a while Kyle could see the shape shadow as he saw before which made him feel very uncomfortable so Lee suggested he climb into the bath, when lying in there he looked like he was lying in water up to the top of the bath and it looked like he was slipping further down under it but he wasn’t moving. We moved down into the next room and everyone felt like they were on a ship very unbalanced and a couple of people came out with a name Jacob.

Downstairs Office.

We did a standing séance in this room; Lee could see people in tutus, one riding a horse, Kyle had grown long hair from having none, Barney was wearing pink tights and other people’s features were changing. Dawn was channelled again this time she was drunk and couldn’t stand up, also she was slurring her words, at one point she even let out a loud belch as though she was very drunk. Her vision was blurred and she even said she was pissed. This yet again was funny as she couldn’t help it.

Once again we had another really good investigation and we are really looking forward to going back in December.Im sorry if I have missed bits out but it’s done by memory so if anyone remembers anything else please feel free to add it
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silver investigator
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2008 10:57 pm

Great report sarah, i had a bit of a chuckle reading about lees dolls lol
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platinum investigator
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2008 11:53 pm

Very good Sarah and i can add a few things when i transfer it to the site.

Well done it shows what a good night we had.
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gold investigator
gold investigator

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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 18, 2008 9:37 am

Great report Sarah. Sounds like you all had a very good night.
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 18, 2008 12:58 pm

Hope no one minds if I add some bits to this that I can rememer.

Whilst in the panel room and sitting at Lee's table, myself and the lady ( I'm sorry I don't know your name ) that sat next to me both felt a cold breeze on the back of our necks.

I asked Lee if he could see anything behind us, both him and Kerry ( I believe it was..sorry if I've got the wrong name ) said that they could see someone standing behind me. Then who ever it was moved away.

During the time in the panel room and seeing Steve's watch move along the table, as well as the table lifting and glass moving. I saw an arm reach across from inbetween Lee and Kerry ??. I immediately asked Lee if he had wiped his arm across his forehead and he said " No" he hadn't. As I asked Lee this, Kerry?? said that someone / something had tapped her on the head. Just as kerry said that, Lee then said that he felt pressure on his shoulders, as though someone was pushing down on them.

The young man ( sorry again I don't know your name ) sitting on the end of the table, kept saying that he didn't feel too good and that his chest felt tight ( sure thats what he said..but difficulty with breathing comfortably ).

At one stage both myself and the lady sitting next to me said that we could feel cold breezes on the sides of our face and on the back of our necks. Lee then said that he could see someone leaning down between us and looking at I guess the cold breezes were actual breathing.

Down in the cellar apart from mine and other peoples experiences of being poked in our faces and some being pinched on legs, Norm said that he could see two white misty looking ball shapes where the stairs were..Lee also saw them. Norm then said that there were now four of them, again Lee and I think Kerry ( was it ??) said they could also see something. Norm then described what he could see as now forming into the shape of a white misty figure with what appeared to be a hooded cloak on. This shape then came over to our group, all of Norm , Lee and Kerry saying that they could see it coming to us. It came into the centre of the group and stopped infront of Lee and Kerry. If my memory serves me correct, Kerry asked it to step back as she felt too uncomfortable with how close it had come.

We had stones thrown at us and one bounced off the arm of the lady next to me and hit myselt on the side. I know this happened as we both jumped and made comment at the same time.

When we moved into one of the other rooms I felt the desperate need not to be standing where the doorway was. So I moved over to stand next to Sue's ( Park Staff ) husband Mike..didn't make any difference though as something brushed my arm.

In the last room as we all huddled together Sue ( Park Staff ) was hit a couple of times on top of her head, enough for her to try to get away from being hit. Other people were poked and stuff as well.

I at one stage jumped as I was kicked hard up the arse, then found out one of the group had lifted her knee up for something Very Happy.

At one stage I asked Lee if I could bring one of our dogs ( Diesel ) in to see what his reaction would be to the building. Lee thought it was worth a try, and Diesel didn't fail to deliver.

The first room we took him to was the panel room. His first reaction to seeing the room was that he stopped before getting to the door and his ears pricked right up.

He did go into the room but didn't stay in for very long. He seemed eager to go back out, and was twitchy when in there.

We then decided to take him upstairs to see what would happen there. We didn't get half way up the stairs when Diesel dropped to his stomach on the stairs with a cry. He then in desperation turned tail and still crying started to drag me down the stairs..luckily Lee was behind us and managed to catch hold on him to stop him pulling me over on the stairs.

Diesel then still crouching very low to the floor skuttled into the art room where everyone was having a drink.

Lee and myself then, once Diesel had calmed a little, decided to try the room next door. Diesel had no problems with this room at all.

After that we said we would try him in the kitchen area..the kitchen area corridor also goes to the celler door corridor and the stairs to the old offices upstairs..not the same stairs as the ones tried first.

Diesel took a couple of steps towards the door to the corridor, he then squealed and made a desperate effort to get completely out of the house still squealing as he was doing so.

Although Diesel is a very strong dog ( sled dogs are known for their strength ) I also allowed him to exit quicker by running with him as he was clearly unnerved by being in the house and wasn't prepared to cause him further stress.

In the bathroom upstairs, when the young man got into the bath it was very strange. I found that as I looked at him, his head seemed to fade away and I could see the roll top of the bath where I knew his head was. I could see the rest of his body in the bath clearly.

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PostSubject: 6th December 2008   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 8:08 pm

Evington House 6th December 2008.

We started the night with a new safe room as some sad people had tried to break in Evington House earlier today and broke some windows in the process and leaving glass all over the place. Due to illness it was a small group tonight with only ten of us and two members of staff, but as past experience goes we should be in for a good night. We did the normal walk round for those who hadn’t been with the light on. We opened up in the large entrance hall and decided as it was a very cold night we would do the gardens first. When entering into the rose garden Lee could see shadows down the bottom and orbs were being caught on cameras. We all stood in the middle and a couple of people felt like playing hide and seek, we all walk around to see if we could pick up on anything myself and Tracey sat down the bottom end on a seat and we both felt very tall and very prim and proper and we were sitting very straight and lady like looking straight down the garden. Lee shot round the bush behind us as he could see someone the other side but when he got there they had gone. We felt that we were the governesses watching the children playing and we also had a very strong smell of flowers that followed us round most of the night. Even when we walked back towards the house we had our hands clasped and walked proudly down the path. When we went through into the smaller part Lee had someone with him, Lee couldn’t work out if this person was connected with the area or with Evington house or maybe with one of us. He told us that this was a young gentleman and that he wants to sing and dance to the tune of Baggy trouser by the band Madness, the urge to dance was very strong. One of the staff was very interested in this and said if we could find out the year she might have an answer. We decided to go back into the house and I made a quick phone call to find out that the year was 1985.While I was doing this she had also made a call and it turns out that the mans name was Lee and he had trained with Penny and another friend and he had died at a very young age of 20yrs with leukaemia. Also his favourite song was baggy trousers by madness and the amazing thing was it would have been his 40th birthday that same day the 6th December. Wow what an amazing start of the night.

Panelled Room.

Because it was a smaller group we put the two tables together and all sat around them. A stone was thrown almost straight away and also we could here a squeaking noise but at first we couldn’t seem to find where it was coming from. We tried glass divination on both tables but nothing much seemed to be happening. Tracey said she could see a tramp with a suitcase and his coat tied up with string but Lee didn’t seem to know how this could be tied to Evington House. All of a sudden somebody came up with the name RUMWEATHER and around half the group knew who he was, apparently he used to stop off here for a hot drink on the way to be fed by the nuns, this was on his way and he was also known to around a couple of other parks as well as the market place in the city centre. By this time the table was moving from side to side and even lifting off the floor, stones also kept on coming with the squeaking noise as well which we found out to be one of the door handles. Pete started asking him questions as he had spoken to him in the past and we were defiantly getting really good responses on the table. Some peoples chairs where being pulled an a couple of peoples hands where touched. We asked him if he was under the table as the middle of both tables were lifting up, also it was very cold under the table and people were being touched on there legs. The table was brilliant at one point it had moved on top of each other and at another time one side must have lifted at least 3ft of the floor levitating. When he was asked there he responded with yes and when asked if he like to makes us jump and have a laugh with us the tables jumped up and down like your shoulders would when laughing then it would slam down to make you jump. Whilst Pete was talking to him his voice changed twice as though he was drunk. There was so much going on in here at this moment of time I would be here all night telling you it was that unbelievable. After a period of time we noticed Pete had gone quite when we asked him if he was ok he had been channelled by Rum weather himself, he told us he was very cold and he wanted some soup, he told us he stopped off there on the way to the nuns for his dinner. When we asked about the weather he told us it was rum weather. Stella was doing the talking as he seem to respond more to her and as they knew he was once a wealthy man but he gave it all up to be a tramp she asked him if he was ever married and, it was at this moment the atmosphere change and the table moved more, he did admit he was in the merchant navy and whilst serving away his wife and children where bombed and killed. He then mentions the cellars to Stella but she said she would ask about them and he said “ask me” but she didn’t want to upset him anymore. We decided at this point to go for a break but as Pete was coming back to us the smell of alcohol was so strong you could smell it across the room. What really amazed us was it was like a personal message as over half the group had either met him or heard about him this was really the most amazing time we have ever had in this room but we did wonder as we had been here three times before he had never come through but we have never been this time of year before so we wondered if he only came along around this time.

Upstairs Flat.

First Room.

It was warm up here and as we all stood around one lady felt she should be lying on the floor and as we stood looking across we notice four people appeared smaller than the others, we also for the first time had a couple of stones thrown in here. Nothing thing which was strange some of us could smell a very strong smell of witch hazel,

Old Bathroom.

It was really warm in here and as Chris stood down the bottom of the room her features changed into a matron looking person, like she was watching over somebody then soon after it went very dark that end and she looked like she had disappeared. A couple of people felt sick and had to leave the room, also stones where thrown in the bath and also one hit Siobhan on her head the hit my arm, Stella felt like she should be in the bath so we told her to get in, she felt like she was having her hair washed and that she was being pushed down into the bath. One lady had a small panic attack and we took her out and also we could smell strong carbolic soap.

Last Room.

We all felt very peaceful in here and all of sat either on chairs or on the floor.Vals features had changed and it was so funny Lee about wet his self ,he also felt very jovial and with some of his comments and jokes made us laugh so much our sides hurt. two ladies were slightly channelled in her but spoke very quietly we couldn’t hear what they said(IF you remember please add at the end).


We ended the night in the cellars and from the start we heard foot steps up above and a couple of people went to check but there was no one there. Stones once again were thrown and people were being touched. It is quite funny down here as some do tend to stand cuddled together so how we get touched at times makes us laugh. Not many felt comfortable down here. The last remaining staff member chose to go back upstairs as she didn’t feel comfortable. AS time was getting on we moved to the next part and straight away a stone hit some bottles. Stella was touched on her bosom and made her jump so much her stuff fell out of her bag, after this some people had decided to leave and the last remaining few moved onto the next one. It was very cold down here and I think most people were touched but it did seem more the ladies and even I had my bosom touched but you could actually hear my coat being moved. It seemed we had a ladies man here, I asked him if he could touch the others but time seem to have got the better of us and we had to call it a night.

Once again this was well and truly one of the best investigations we have ever done here, I have even now put this place as my best place to date that I have investigated. When writing a report I try to convey all the things that have taken place during the night, if I have missed anything out im very sorry please post it at the end and Lee will add it to the final report on the website. I hope you can make it to Evington House when we go back again.
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platinum investigator
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 8:41 pm

Well done Sarah.
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silver investigator
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 11:32 pm

Fantastic report sarah, well done.
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silver investigator
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 17, 2008 12:38 am

good report sarah.....sorry i missed it
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tin novice investigator
tin novice investigator

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PostSubject: Evington Park   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 17, 2008 1:06 am

Great report Sarah, well done, I don't know how you remember everything.
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 18, 2008 4:19 pm

Good report Sarah.
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PostSubject: Re: reports of this location.   reports of this location. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 18, 2008 4:46 pm

Thank you kind people sorry it took so long but when you have to do twon nights on the trot and with xmas its been hectic but its done now.
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